Setting the Overtime


The Overtime tab of the Pay Class allows you to define how PayClock Online calculates overtime. You can define up to three levels of overtime.

  1. Select Setup from the navigation list.
  2. From the slide out menu select Pay Class.
  3. Choose the Pay Class you wish to work with from the list. If you need to create a new pay class select + New.
  4. Configure the desired settings for the Pay Class.
  5. Go to the Overtime tab.

Use the questions below to complete the Overtime setup:

  1. Do employees receive overtime on a weekly basis?
  2. Do employees receive overtime on a daily basis?
  3. Do employees receive overtime on a pay period basis? Please NoteClosedThis applies to only bi-weekly, semi-monthly, monthly or custom pay periods.
  4. Do employees receive overtime if they work 7 consecutive days? Please NoteClosedThis option is only available in the Standard version of PayClock Online.
  5. Select Save to keep the changes.


Wed 12/05/2018